This image shows Christopher Langner

Christopher Langner


Research Assistant
Institut für Konstruktionstechnik und Technisches Design
Methodische Produktentwicklung


Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 1.264


  • Methodische Produktentwicklung
  • Konstruktionsmethodik
  • Model-Based Systems Engineering
  1. 2024

    1. Stowe, H. (Mike), Langner, C., Kreimeyer, M., Browning, T. R., Eppinger, S. D., & Yassine, A. A. (2024). DS 134: Proceedings of the 26th International DSM Conference (DSM 2024), Stuttgart, Germany. In DSM: Vol. DS 134: Proceedings of the 26th International DSM Conference (DSM 2024), Stuttgart, Germany. The Design Society.
    2. Paliyenko, Y., Langner, C., Müller, B., Dausch, V., Roth, D., Guertler, M., & Kreimeyer, M. (2024). Facilitating the Implementation of Data-Driven Processes in Product Development. DS 134: Proceedings of the 26th International DSM Conference (DSM 2024), Stuttgart, Germany, 11–20.
    3. Langner, C., Rehberg, M., Tüzün, G.-J., Roth, D., & Kreimeyer, M. (2024). Herausforderungen des Realbetriebs von autonomen Bussen im ÖPNV entlang des Lebenszyklus (Challenges of the real operation of autonomous buses in public transport along the lifecycle). DS 133: Proceedings of the 35th Symposium Design for X (DFX2024), 005–014.
    4. Langner, C., Rehberg, M., Roth, D., & Kreimeyer, M. (2024). A Lifecycle Model for Autonomous Buses in Public Transport. DS 134: Proceedings of the 26th International DSM Conference (DSM 2024), Stuttgart, Germany, 127–136.
    5. Langner, C., Paliyenko, Y., Müller, B., Roth, D., Guertler, M. R., & Kreimeyer, M. (2024). Challenges for capturing data within data-driven design processes. Proceedings of the Design Society , Volume 4: DESIGN 2024, 2099–2108.
    6. Dausch, V., Langner, C., Roth, D., Kreimeyer, M., & Guertler, M. R. (2024). Investigating low data consistency in work planning processes – causes, measures, and opportunities. Proceedings of the Design Society , Volume 4: DESIGN 2024, 225–234.
  2. 2023

    1. Stowe, H. (Mike), Browning, T. R., Eppinger, S. D., Trauer, J., Langner, C., Kreimeyer, M., Isaksson, O., Panarotto, M., & Brahma, A. (2023). DS 126: Proceedings of the 25th International DSM Conference (DSM 2023). The Design Society.
    2. Kreimeyer, M., Maier, T., Roth, D., Langner, C., & Fuchs, L. (2023). Automatisierte ÖPNV-Systeme: Inklusion im autonomen Stadtbus. Magazin des Stuttgarter Maschinenbaus, 12/23(5), Article 5.
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